A Bitcoin ETF is coming. A lot of people hate the fact the evil forces are now in the game. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
What’s Their End Game?
“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” — John Maxwell
A Peaceful Counter-Offensive
If you instigate, crypto will fight you. We like this. They also fight you softly, with education. We LOVE this.
WTF Is Edgecoin?
Coins in the CoinGecko top 100 come and go all the time. But not stablecoins. This is weird.
Reading The Riot Act on Meme Coins
“Hey VP, what are your thoughts on meme coins?” I hate them. Here’s why.
If ETH is a Commodity….
I posed a question to my Twitter audience about ETH being a commodity like BTC and LTC. The answers were intriguing. Let’s discuss, because this could be bigger than you think.
If Binance Goes…
The current administration does not have a lot of time left. They’re going for it all.
Polygon Rages On
We invest for the future. Polygon is setting up for the future like nobody else.
Is This a Ghost Rally?
Sentiment was down. Then number go up. Now sentiment good again. Hooray!
Watch The Bitcoin Mining Space
During the bull run, people kept asking me what I thought of the Bitcoin mining sector. I hated it. But at these prices……