Start Here
The current system has failed you. This is a completely different way of trading Forex. In the end, it’s much simpler and much more effective. It is completely different than everything you see online right now. And believe me, this is a very good thing.
Interested? Good. This is what you need to do.
Watch the video, or continue reading on. The choice is yours!
Regardless of your experience, everyone needs to take the exact same approach and start this site the same way. Again, it’s because this is completely different, and many of the more experienced traders are going to need to be deprogrammed a bit.
The ones with the patience to see this through are going to have a great time learning a much more exciting and efficient way to succeed at this game.
And it’s all free.
About Me
If you really want to know about my qualifications here, just go to the About tab. I’m good at this, don’t worry. I’ve made every mistake in the book. You will no longer have to, and your road to where you eventually want to be is going to take a lot less time.
At least this is the main goal of what I’m doing.
In This Order
Early on, you need to go in the order I say. You’ll have to trust me on this one. Many traders start this site or the YouTube Channel at a video far down the timeline, and they come out confused. We don’t want this.
This is not Forex 101. This is Forex 201. You will need to learn how to trade this market first.
Even if you have experience trading stocks or crytpo or anything else, you need to hit RESET and learn this from scratch.
The best place I’ve found is here. It took me 3 days to finish, and I worked two of those days, AND took detailed notes, so it may go a lot quicker for you.
Don’t want to take this long to learn? Cool! Just know you will never have success in this market if you can’t be bothered to do the base minimum to learn how to do it. Get used to failure.
Plus, we go slow here so we make sure we learn the right way. No instant gratification. Leave now if this upsets you.
There is one paid course out there that I have allowed as an abbreviated version of No Nonsense Forex. It is not my course, so I don’t teach it, but if you want to learn what we do in about 1/8 of the time, it costs money, but you can go here.
When You’re Ready To Move On
Now it’s time to set you up for success, where others have failed you.
No Nonsense Forex is divided up into two main parts:
I also have a podcast, but every episode has its own video version of it, and most of them have a blog attached, so we’ll use those for now to keep it all streamlined.
This is your next move:
Binge on episodes 3 through 13 of the podcast, in order. This is a must. You need to be set up the right way before moving on.
You can do this in blog form or podcast form.
In blog form, go here. They are in reverse order, you will have to scroll down.
In podcast form, you can use your favorite podcast player, use the one on this site (scroll down and click “older posts” to get to the earlier episodes), or go to the playlist I set up on YouTube.
It’s time to hit up the Core Concepts Playlist!
You need to watch videos 2 through 6. Big Banks through EUR/USD.
You can also do this in blog form if you prefer. Scroll down, and work your way up to the Reversal Trading blog post. There is no blog for the Dirty Dozen, you will have to watch the video for that.
This will give you information nobody else has had the chance to see. After this point, you’ll be better equipped to trade Forex than anyone who has come before you.
Now You Can Choose What’s Next
There are three main ways to go now. The most important things to know in Forex trading are…
Links are to the video playlists for each topic. You can go to the blog main page, and these categories are also off to the side.
You can also finish off the Core Concepts playlist as well. Lots of great stuff there.
After all of this, you can catch up on the rest of the podcast episodes, where we get into a bit more fine tuning.
If There Is Still Confusion
Please do not ask me, instead, go to the No Nonsense Forex Discord Forum.
It is a community full of traders who trade our way, and they can be very helpful IF you ask good questions.
Please do not throw basic questions at them, or questions which are already covered in the material. 99% of the time, the material already has the answers you need, so consume it all first, and THEN go to the Discord forum if there’s anything remaining.
Go Get It!!
There is much work to be done. The work, to me at least, was half the fun. Make it happen. Make it yours. Get to that place you’ve always wanted to be.
You now know just how attainable it is.
So go get it.
— VP