One of my least favorite arguments on social media is when some rando gets on and says if you just sat back and bought the S&P you’d be better off. Because a lot of times, as lazy as it is to say, they were right.
Why Use a Trailing Buy Right Now?
Sometimes on a crypto dip, I buy outright. Sometimes I do not. Here is why I’m not buying outright this time around. And why I’m still waiting.
Update on My 3 Favorite Web3 Games
Quick(er) one today, I’m on the road. Let’s go!
Did You Miss Out On Copper?
Copper has made quite a run this year. And copper is an absolute must for any contrarian investor’s portfolio. So……..
Early Thoughts on the “War”
I’ll keep this pretty short. We can expand later if it becomes a real problem in the markets.
Nobody Wants Your Bitcoin. Nobody Wants Your Gold.
In a crisis, what will be the one thing you need to have the most of? The world is already answering this question for us.
Foreign Currency Wallet Update
I hold other currencies apart from USD because I’m a lunatic. And I’m making one major change.
Overview and Commentary From the Movie “Dumb Money”
I’ve been waiting to watch “Dumb Money” on YouTube, I’m not sure what took me so long. Come watch it with me.
I’m Going To Retire Because of Oil
Not completely because of oil. But it’s going to play a part.
Biden and LNG
The market flipped out over the Biden Administration’s ban on LNG exports from the US. Were they overreacting? And what does this mean for investors?