The following is an editorial written by a random lunatic with a blog.
Keep your panties on.
Extremes Are Bad, Mmmmkay?
I’ve mentioned this a few times before, but I have very low respect for people who think every conspiracy theory is nonsense, and an equal amount of contempt for people who think they’re all true.
We will be talking about the latter today.
And the reason I even bother to put this out there is that due to social media, and due to the conspiracy crowd getting an abnormal amount of W’s in the last few years, people are starting to migrate over to this side at an alarming pace.
This is never good.
Think of the other end of the spectrum, think of SJW’s and climate activists in college for example.
Not only do they all kind of look alike, which is disturbing, but the route to get to these extremes is no different than the route people take on the opposite side, the wild conspiracy theorist side.
It’s literally the same. They’re virtually the same people.
Here’s the routine:
- You hear something contrary to what you’ve always known to be true
- You then hear some hand-picked facts and statistics about it.
- You feel (there’s that word again) betrayed and manipulated by the side that told you the “wrong thing” your whole life
- You then turn into a born-again evangelical overnight for the opposite side because you’re young, dumb, inexperienced, and hormonally immature.
You are now the perfect “empty vessel” to become a “useful idiot” for those who want you to be. Those far more intelligent than yourself by the way.
Think about that please.
Do you like having more intelligent people control you and live in your head rent-free for eternity? I certainly wouldn’t.
Add in the desire to belong to something, and you have a ready-made blueprint for a perpetual extremist factory.
There should have been a number 5 on that list however — You then go and research both sides to get as close to the truth as you possibly can.
But most people don’t do that. That would take effort.
Hell, there is an entire [redacted] who never does that.
It’s most people.
But thanks to our contrarian principles, we can avoid becoming these people.
And I think it’s time to put a brighter spotlight on the hyper-conspiracy crowd.
Disclaimer For the Dum-Dums
Yes, I know, the term “Conspiracy Theorist” was invented by the CIA after the Kennedy assassinations, and it was the most simple and brilliant persuasion move of all time.
Prevent any type of rebellion by having the lazy masses instantly dismiss anyone who said the government was up to no good.
I’m not saying they’re never up to no good. They often are.
And if you follow my material at all, I have a lot of conspiracy theories in my head — but percentage-wise, it’s still reasonably low.
I’ve talked about this in an old podcast episode, but the older you get, the more you tend to have.
Because everyone at some point has that epiphany about something they were lied to about their entire lives. Then you wonder what else were you being lied to about. Might it be……everything?? (GASP!)
My first epiphany was food. In particular food in the US.
I got deep into the organic community through my job, and was appalled at what I discovered about my country’s food ecosystem.
But I realized I was getting too deep.
My asshole side saved me.
I said to myself, “Wait….every one of these people are hippies. Hippies aren’t that bright. Maybe I should look at the other side too.”
It wasn’t comfortable, and it involved me not being lazy, which is a deal-breaker for most people.
But dammit, this involves what I put inside of my own body 3-4 times a day.
This is not the time to be mentally lazy.
It was right about then I started dating a food scientist, ie the people responsible for coming up with all the shit companies put into our food.
I learned a lot. It made her fall out of love/lust with me (probably because I bored her to death with all of my nerd questions), but I finally felt like I got to where I needed to be with all of it.
And on the zero-to-100 spectrum of conspiracies when it comes to the US food supply, I probably sit at an 85 or a 90.
But not 100. And this is probably the one subject I am the most extreme about.
Yes, more than anything regarding finance.
Even more than free speech.
But what did I do about this revelation? Because that’s the important question.
I didn’t start a campaign to go and bomb Monsanto, instead I made sure that even when I was broke, I still paid for organic and sustainable food, even though I know it’s not perfect, it’s way better than food that should never have gotten as cheap as it did.
And 15 years later, I feel great and get told I look younger than my age all the time.
Correlation? Who knows, but I’m glad I was made aware, didn’t get too involved, and made a positive change.
And yes, I will heart some of the more conspiratorial articles out there from time to time on Twitter — but it makes up a small percentage of what I give hearts to overall.
And even when I hear those things, there are usually financial aspects to the story which may help people make better decisions.
I will never ever let it get out of control.
Anatomy of a Conspiracy Theorist
To define terms once again, I’m talking about those who go all the way to 100.
These people just cannot keep it to themselves.
They MUST tell everyone!!
They will tell you they “question everything”, but then retweet a story about how the [redacted] run the world without even reading it first.
They litter your favorite Discord and Telegram groups with their nonsense until the mods finally do something about it.
………..unless you have 4 or 5 other people just like this guy. Then you’re fucked.
And depending on which groups you’re a part of, the chances of this happening go way up.
If you’re in nomad, gold, Bitcoin, or financial sovereignty chat groups (me), you’re pretty much screwed here, and you’ll be inundated by these people daily.
I know a lot of you are in these groups too, and you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Who They Really Are
They’re troubled people.
They masquerade as people who have intellect far above your average “normie midwit”, and have risen above the unwashed masses.
Yet they fall into traps (traps set by more intelligent people remember), that “normie midwits” would never fall into.
Their entire lives are more or less controlled by these ideologies.
They will often overuse capitalization of certain words to REALLY drive their point home, not realizing how they just end up sounding like a bunch of crackpots.
And I’m not even going to call them socially awkward, that’s too nice — they’re social dimwits. Complete morons on the social IQ scale.
But the worst part about these people is they’re never happy.
They could have full kilogram gold pars laying around their house, or 20 BTC sitting in their Ledger wallets, or multiple passports, homes, and private bank accounts.
This would be an absolute dream-come-true for most people. It’s such a rare and wonderful thing. And they have it!!
But they’re miserable.
All because they allowed themselves to slip into this headspace.
“But VP, that’s really sad, why do you say that’s the worst thing about them?”
Because misery loves company.
And they will do whatever they can to drag you over to their side.
A side, I promise you, you don’t want to be on.
Littering chat forums with unsolicited conspiracy talk and articles is what these people do.
They want to “raise awareness”, but what they don’t understand is that nobody ever takes them seriously, so it has zero impact.
I learned this all the way back in debate class. You need 3 things to properly get your point across and have it resonate.
Ethos – What you say
Pathos – How you say it
Logos – Your credibility
Extreme CT’s fail at the latter two. They absolutely fail at the last one.
If they were as smart and as enlightened as they think they are, they would already know that.
Who Actually Wins Here?
Please keep this is mind, always.
There are entire organizations (the real winners in these scenarios), who are hell-bent on putting you and/or keeping you on these extreme sides of the spectrum for their own gain.
“Outrage Porn” as it’s often referred to.
It’s almost never accurate, for starters.
For example, people outside the US might think how nowadays it’s nothing but bad feelings toward one another at best, and absolute chaos at worst, all due to these media stories.
It’s not. I go back there all the time. It’s still awesome.
I’ll go see my old friends, friends who vote both sides (one of them who actually came out as trans when he was 39), and we still stay up drinking all night, laughing and calling each other gay just like we did in high school.
I’ll drive around and see no less turmoil than I saw 20 years ago. More druggies yes, but they usually don’t bother you.
Is it all going in a bad direction? Of course it is.
And is it all going to plan? I would agree with that too.
But does society usually rise up and push back at some point? Almost always. Check your history.
And Americans have this weird habit of doing it quicker than most people.
“But da Chicago and da San Francisco!!!”, yeah I just don’t go there.
But I know people who still live in those cities, and they all say there are certainly a few more no-go zones than there were before, but most of it is still pretty nice.
Hell, I live in a large Latin American city, and 80-90% of it would be considered a “no-go zone” by most Americans (not accurate, but still), but it doesn’t affect me because I don’t live in those areas. I came here to upgrade, not downgrade.
These media people take something as small as a dime, and blow it up to the size of a football stadium, all to make your dumb ass think it has become the norm.
Again — Outrage Porn. They want you to get outraged and lose your sensibilities.
And you willfully fall for it!!
WTF dude, why??
Emotions, of course.
If there is one thing my subscribers know, it’s how emotions make you dumb. And every manipulator on Earth is going to try and use them to their advantage for this very reason.
The big question is — “Are you going to let them win?”
Are you going to admit how much smarter they are than you, and how you are helpless to their manipulative actions because you’re too lazy to figure out the truth on your own?
Have fun with that.
I’m not saying to be blissfully ignorant, even though I will admit, this has worked out really well for most Westerners for the past 80 years.
I’m just saying be aware of what’s out there, adjust accordingly, and move on with your life.
Don’t let extremists infect you one way or the other.
They’re not always right, and even if they were, so what?
What are you going to do about it?
You’re going to adjust accordingly, and live your best life. This is all we can do.
And that’s how we win.
— VP