If you can put yourself in the shoes of the people who control price, it becomes a lot easier to predict.
Bitcoin whales have this ability. What would you do if you were one?
The following, once again, is nothing more than an editorial piece written by an eccentric idiot…….who just happens to be right a lot.
Be Thy Enemy
I’ve always said in the past how to best understand trading and investing both, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the people who manipulate the market.
Once you have done that, you now need to ask yourself, “What would I do here?”. “How would I play it?”.
I don’t think enough of you do this.
Remember too, manipulators never do what’s good for the average person, unless they’re setting a trap for later (Blackjack Theory), so get that out of your minds from the start.
It’s Player vs Player. You want to not only win, but destroy your enemy completely.
And don’t worry, even if you destroy them completely, others will take their place, so you get to play this game for as long as you want.
Isn’t being a whale/big bank great?
Their Desire
Figuring out these people’s end games really really goes a long way in trying to determine what their overall plans are.
It’s hard to know for sure what another person wants.
It’s much easier to figure out what a group of people want.
And when it comes to money, I mentioned it in last week’s podcast episode, how over time, once you have a crazy amount of money, making more of it becomes fairly unexciting.
So what do you do next? If you no longer need to pursue money, because you can now buy anything you want, what do you pursue next?
Again, individuals may have different agendas here. But groups don’t. Not in the finance world.
Groups want power.
And this is the natural progression after the money game has been won.
After all, why shouldn’t they have all the power?
They’re a lot smarter than you are after all.
If they weren’t, how come they have all the money, and you don’t?
If the power has to go somewhere, why not give it to the ones who “deserve it”?
The winners.
This sinister level of sentiment may not start out this way, but it always seems to manifest itself over time.
In the political world, you often have to mask this desire for power by pretending you’re doing something for the people’s benefit.
“We are saving humanity by solving climate change, but you have to do exactly what we say all the time, lest you face dire consequences”.
Shit like that.
But in the finance world, you don’t even need to pretend.
You just stomp on your opponent’s face, over and over again, without any need to apologize.
“They’re the public. They’re dumb. They will keep coming back. Jesus Christ dude, they’re soooo dumb. Fuckin look at em!”
So just remember this going forward. The end game here is power and control.
“But They Would Never!”
I get it, true hardcore Bitcoiners are more about freedom and libertarianism than anything.
Understand though — you don’t need all of them.
You can leave the libertarians out of this. You’ll still have plenty of whales who will not only collude with each other (because they can, thanks to everyone knowing their addresses), but all of the other major powers out there who want in on the ability to control the future of money.
Some won’t participate, but enough will.
Because the endgame is just too enticing not to.
Their Methodology
It’s the same overall methodology every time with these people, but the process is never EXACTLY the same.
If it was, we’d figure it out. If you play the same game, but just modify the methods a bit, we the dumb public will be none the wiser.
So for example, where have all of the tops and bottoms in the market been historically?
The tops are when all the sellers give up.
The bottoms are when all of the buyers give up.
Every, time.
The problem is, and please pay attention to this part….
In crypto, there are so many hardcore believers, no matter how much price falls, they will continue to be bullish and keep on buying.
So how do you get those people out?
You’ll never get all of them out, but the problem is, some of them have YouTube channels, and can share this message with a lot of people.
To reach a new bottom, this is going to take a whopper of an endeavor.
This is going to take maximum pain to achieve.
What Does This Look Like?
Hard to say. Again, it’s always the same move, but always with different methods and time frames.
But expect the worst.
After all, if you knew you were going to win the game in the end anyway, wouldn’t you try and kick as many people out of the club as possible?
The more people you kick out, the more power and control you gain.
And you deserve it after all.
Because you’re a whale. And they’re not.
— VP