I will try and keep this as current as I possibly can over time.
As always, make sure you read the disclaimer, and understand this is not investment advice. Most of these coins and tokens were purchased at a cheaper price than where they are now, and I cannot officially say whether or not I would endorse any of them at their current prices.
This is my crypto portfolio as of December 3, 2020, and I do not plan on buying anything for another month or two. Any extra money I make this month, and likely next, is going into cash.
I am only interested in large cap and mid cap coins. Crypto on its own is already a high variance, high volatility market. No need for me to sit here and try to shoot the moon. These are buy and holds.
It also has to be on one of the four exchanges I’m on, or included in my hot wallet. Four is way too much for me, honestly. I have mentioned before how I am a fan of diversifying your money and spreading it out, but even I have to admit this is getting silly.
I already have four crypto exchanges, a physical metals account, two FX accounts, one stock brokerage account, PayPal, Google AdSense, and four bank accounts. It has officially gotten ridiculous. I will be looking to consolidate some of these come 2021.
Edit 2/19/21 – I have deviated from this already. At the time, the best chance for real upside with the least chance of downside was on the large and mid-cap coins. Now I’m hunting for value, and this has shifted to the lower-cap coins IMO. To mitigate risk, I am taking crypto gains and rolling some of them over into a lower-cap gem or two, so it can be a “free play”. For the most part however, I am still tilted heavily towards the larger coins going forward. See my adds further down.
I am not a super crypto nerd, super crypto nerds might take issue with some of the things I say here, and I’m fine with that. No need to chime in, you just do you.
I am a finance guy however, and sleeping on what could very well be the future of finance, even if it’s for only a decade or so, is a huge mistake. All of you reading this should at least be staying up to date on this space. No excuses not to, even if you hate it.
You are officially finance people too now. We will always have a specialty of course. I’ll be an FX specialist for life. But it makes zero sense not to also be learned in the stock world, the commodities world, and now the crypto world as well. Zero sense.
The ability to be on top of what’s going on the in the world of money, while the rest of the planet looks around in confusion and scratches their butt cheeks is the one thing protecting us from a very uncertain future in the world of finance. Do not screw around here.
You aren’t required to participate, just have a plan ready, and be able to strike when it’s time, and before everyone else finally figures it out.
But bonus points for participating, for sure. Cryptocurrency could very well go down in a once-in-a-three-generations opportunity when it’s all said and done. And we had plenty of time to enter. At NNFX, we play it smart by using strict money management, and by putting the odds in our favor at every turn.
Even with high-variance markets and sectors, the odds can be disproportionately in our favor, and I believe it is here.
Below, I will list what cryptos I am holding, and why. You will also see updates in italics as I trim positions or get rid of one altogether.
For reference, I will not be mentioning tokens I’ve made passively, so tokens I never actually invested in, but have anyway. This will include tokens like CRO, ETC, BAT, COPI, and RAD.
For quick reference, I currently hold:
Already made an entire blog post about this one. The ecosystem this time around is entirely different than it was before. I’m happy with my choice here, without a doubt.
As far as adding on, I will not be adding on past $20,000 per BTC. I don’t have much of a solid reasoning for this, other than “Hey, you gotta stop somewhere, amirite?”
Edit: I broke this rule a bit when I bought more around 28K (verified on Twitter). I have invested in a mining rig which gets run by somebody else, so now I really have on reason to buy more because I’ll be earning more soon.
Money management-wise, it’s hard to replicate a lot of the structures we use on the channel, so your Buy and Hold playbook is important here.
Keep in mind however, if this really is the future of money, and once BTC runs out and becomes coveted, there really is no logical place to exit out completely. You just have to play it by ear, which totally sucks, but it won’t feel so bad if BTC runs to $500K or more like some are predicting. Luxury problem.
This is the one I have been choosing to add on to when I get the opportunity. The future is crazy bright. It’s the one chain everyone else wants to build on. Buterin is a genius, the funding behind it is tremendous, and the sky really is the limit here.
Will it get replaced in the future? Certainly could, but if you had the chance to get into something like MySpace early on, you wouldn’t think twice about it. I see MySpace earliness with Facebook upside. Lots of institutional money agrees, and provides a nice cushion below.
UPDATE: There’s no need to go over the whole history of my ins and outs with XRP.
I was early-ish into it at around$ .21, but in late 2020 I traded all of it in for ETH because of the SEC lawsuit. The SEC doesn’t lose lawsuits.
Or at least they never used to. But when it comes to crypto regulation and litigation, they simply cannot do anything right. So XRP became live again. If you follow the podcasts, you already know I have picked up more XRP, on two different occasions.
My average price is much worse than before, but I’m thinking it won’t matter when it’s all said and done.
You just can’t keep Litecoin down. I’m probably heavier into this one than I want to be, but with an ambitious founder, huge community, and as much as I make fun of things like Mimblewimble, you certainly want to be in projects who are constantly trying to bring new innovations to the forefront.
PayPal chose LTC as one of their available coins, which is huge, and if I look back on it, this has been the one non-stablecoin I have transacted with in the past, and it really is lightning fast and a simple process. As far as transactions go, nobody is going to want to transact with BTC or ETH, people would much rather hold those. If LTC can go down as the top transactional non-stablecoin, this is big.
Once people have gobbled up supply of BTC, what is next down the list in terms of scarcity? It’s Litecoin. There are only 84 million Litecoin in circulation. This means something. Lots of funds out there look specifically for scarcity. I want more Litecoin going forward. What’s next after Litecoin as far as scarcity goes? Believe it or not, Bitcoin Cash, who also only has 21 million in circulation, and at a much lower price. Just sayin.
I did a whole podcast episode on this.
1/4 of my position exited. Initial investment recouped. Free shares now.
I traded in my Dash for Chainlink awhile back, and while I really liked Dash at the time, I certainly don’t regret the decision. Huge gains.
To me this is like investing in Intel early on. LINK is the best-of-breed in the oracle space, which people would be crazy not to be a part of. LINK has a huge lead on everyone else. There are some other intriguing plays in the space, but they have massive amounts of catching-up to to. Interested in adding more LINK down the road too.
And I’m getting ready to! Check out my podcast episode on it below.
Boy do I love this one. So sexy. Another genius founder who really played the long game and took his time, and now it’s paying off big.
ADA has the real chance of becoming the blockchain of choice over time, but even if it doesn’t, the upside is still fantastic. It has the luxury of sitting back and watching what ETH does, then improving on it by avoiding the problems which crop up with ETH sometimes and bog it down.
It’s only other competition I see right now is Polka Dot, which is strong, but it’s really the only other legit competitor I see currently. And it’s probably not going to be a winner-take-all scenario either. One can be Twitter, one can be InstaGram, fine with me.
On the top end, it could end up being the “next Facebook” to Etherium’s MySpace (in my made-up crypto parlance), but even if it’s not, getting in early on the next Twitter, Slack, or Reddit as a consolation prize is no small feat.
Cardano’s ecosystem is finally getting built out, and it’s the most exciting thing in crypto I’ve seen in a very long time. Check out the podcast below. And don’t waste time with this! Things are moving.
DeFi looks like it’s here to stay, and this is good for the citizens of the world. So may ways you can go here.
Lots of speculators out there right now in this particular space. Lots of growing small caps can be traded and held at the “Uniswap Casino”. Which one will you choose?
My choice is the casino itself, thank you. If given the choice, I’ll always take the casino over the gamblers. Uniswap is where a very high amount of the gamblers play right now. It’s only challenge at this point is to make sure it remains that way. I’m keeping a close eye on this space.
Update 2/19/21 – People have asked if I want to get into competitors like Sushi and 1inch, and my response is I’d rather sit back and wait for better value in the space. Missed Pancakeswap, but there will certainly be more opportunities to enter the DEX space down the road. No need to rush.
Polygon (MATIC)
I already have a little bit now, but I want lots more.
You can find out how and why on my podcast.
Updated 2/19/21
This is my first low-cap buy. I got in at 80 cents (worst price ever) on 2/19/21. I’ve been keen to the NFT space for months now (see my interview on DCL Blogger’s podcast), and it got popular in a hurry come early 2021. Even Gary V came in and put his blessing on the space in a big way, and he rarely misses.
Instead of buying collectables, which I have zero eye for, I would rather play the space on a broader scale. Kind of like playing an ETF instead of a stock.
Edit 7/30/21 – Looks like I picked the wrong project. Price cratered, then out of nowhere the company became “compromised” after a cyberattack. Who would hack a nearly-dead company? Anyway, shit happens. I’m still holding it just in case. What’s my alternative, cash out for $4?
But dammit, they’re hanging on, still active and still involved in a lot of future projects, so we’ll just hold and see what happens.
Edited 1/15/23
I’m writing this on 2/3/23, but that’s only because I forgot to add this to the blog. But I bought on Jan 15
I'm not stoked about it, but this crypto rally has tripped my trailing buy on everything left on my watchlist. So I now own small bags of #aave #imx #AVAX and one other token we have yet to cover. If they hit new lows, I will repeat the process. 1/2
— No Nonsense Forex (@This_Is_VP4X) January 15, 2023
So why AAVE?
Why the hell not AAVE? Held and recovered beautifully through the bear market. The adults in the room when it comes to DeFi. It’s where the institutions want to be, not on the sushi app or the smiling bowl of ice cream dex.
Edited 1/15/23
One of the top game studio/L2/Gateway Wallet Providers out there right now. Huge lead on their competition. And they have my favorite Web3 game, Illuvium.
Edited 1/15/23
This blockchain is really doing some things on the low. Too good of a deal to pass up for a L1 that could easily end up in the #3 or #4 spot when it’s all said and done.
I finally got into Arweave after my trailing buy finally got hit. Lawrence King said in a tweet “The richest man I ever met sold plastic storage containers on Amazon. Don’t over-complicate it.”
I don’t think people understand just how lucrative the data storage business has been in Web2, and now we have the chance to get in early in Web3.
I have swapped my CAKE position for SUI, and the below podcast episode explains why.
I’m pretty deep into the game Illuvium, and this includes land NFTs, and the ILV token which is not an in-game token, and you can stake it for revenue distribution.
My stablecoin of choice. Great for transacting. If you’re on Coinbase, this is the only coin you can buy there to my knowledge, and not get bent over in the process. Then you can send it to a less-rapey exchange and use it to buy the coins you really want.
And I know, it’s centralized, but I’m not looking to be sneaky here. I’m an American with an American passport. My privacy has been dead for years. No escaping it. Just gotta accept it.
Edit 8/1/2022: As mentioned on the podcast, stablecoins are a bit hard to trust right now, so I have moved all of mine into actual USD where it will sit in a bank until it’s time to reenter.
Edit 2/3/23: Back into USDC, as a hedge against bank nonsense.
Edit: 11/11/23: After the SVB bank scare which dropped USDC to .85 for a moment, I have moved most of my USDC to USDT
Money Management
I will make updates here occasionally, but I will probably not remember to update every time I take profit or sell for a loss, nor am I required to. I am not a signal service, and I don’t owe you anything.
This is the most important section in the blog post. So many crypto holders are going to get rekt if they do nothing but hold. Read this closely.
All they have known is alpha. And when things go down, they go right back up again. Why study up on history? “It’s different now”. It always is.
It’s not their fault for being young and inexperienced, but as a result, most of them also have shitty financial psychology, as does just about everyone who doesn’t watch my videos. Once BTC reaches a certain level, this becomes their new normal, and they are no longer satisfied with it.
When will they become satisfied? Never, and that’s the problem. If the price drops, even precipitously, their standards are already set, and they will either “buy the dip” because it’s worked every time prior, or they will simply wait for price to come back up to where it was before.
There will come a point in time where that day is no longer coming. But many will still hold anyway. All the way down to who-knows-where.
They never once took profit, and now they have little to show for it. They had 20X gains on one position, and did nothing because they were convinced in their own zero-experience heads it was going much higher.
They are they guy I mentioned in a video long ago, who went to the blackjack table with $100, played it up to $2000, then walked away with nothing.
The concept of scaling out is laughable to them. Why trim a position that’s going to the moon? Do you hate money? Remember, these are people whose only frame of reference when it comes to finance is cryptocurrency.
Young guns, listen up. You NEED guys like me. Guys who are a generation above you who also love crypto, but are true finance guys and have also known what it’s like to have the market fall apart right in front of you (and not like in 2020 when it just rebounded right back up).
You need guys like me who know what it’s like to hold something and have caviar dreams (pulling my dick out and telling my boss “I quit” for example), only to have those assets fall, refusing to give up on them, then coming out of it all with nothing.
I love money, and that’s why I take profit here and there, moving stop losses up as I do. Just like in Forex, you’re not going to get all 600 pips in that 600 pip move. But you will make good money, to where most people will take part in that very same move, and not make any at all.
I stated on Twitter, right around when BTC broke $23,000 USD how I was putting a “trailing take profit” for 1/4 of my position at $2050. BTC has done nothing but go up since, and the trailing TP has not gotten triggered, and has since gone up with it.
I have done the same with LTC as well, as of today, the 30th of December, 2020. That recent move up was awfully curious.
If I take 1/4 profit on BTC at $28,000 for example, and the price of BTC goes to $400,000, some will point and laugh, but they’re the same people I just described above.
At that point however, I will have made back my initial investment, and all of my shares will be free. It’s a great feeling, and smart management.
Money management is a rare and beautiful lifetime skill, which will keep on giving over and over again, regardless of what you’re investing in.
Once you cash out, if you don’t depend on the money you just cashed out for, the aristocratic thing to do is to move that money into something cheap, thus keeping the cycle of gains going.
Rich people for centuries have moved into something neutral like cash and let it sit there until they felt things were going to go up again. In the case with crypto, many feel like we’re just getting started, so now there are many additional options, including digital cash (stablecoins), and digital gold/silver (Digix, Paxos Gold, Lode, etc) if you insist in keeping it on the blockchain.
You really do get a nice opportunity to become more diversified as you take profit. You can certainly buy back your crypto at a cheaper price if it gets there, but there is ZERO wrong with putting it in an asset which gains less over time for the sake of diversification.
If that last sentence didn’t make sense to you, trust me, it will someday.
Future Possibilities
I have a watchlist. I explain my approach to buying, and my thoughts on each of these on the 10 Minute Contrarian Podcast. Simply search each token there if interested.
??? (Coming Soon)
!!! (Coming Soon, maybe)
Everyone has their favorites and their reasons why. No need to tell them to me. I have my trusted sources, and that’s who I go with.
Let’s just hope the future of money, whatever it is, is as “for the people” as it possibly can be.
I won’t hold my breath. I’m just hoping things like gold and crypto can protect us and our future.
— VP